Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Term 1 - Native North American Indian Study

Our major focus for Term 1 was Social Sciences. We decided to study the native North American Indians and find out about their way of life past and present. This unit covered many aspects of their lives including arts, religion and houses.

Towards the end of the study we worked on a costume design project and were excited about our special guest speaker. When the day arrived we were so surprised to have a native South American guest, who had been a guide in Equador. His experiences included eating spiders, shooting monkeys with blow pipes and guiding people throught the Amazon jungle. Special thanks to the Winter family for arranging this very special treat.
The unit of study was completed once we had finished our costumes. 4 groups set to work by incorporating the best parts of each persons design into a "super design". Mrs Peacock who is a dress maker came to lend us a hand by showing us some good ways of joining our materials. The main fabric we used was made from lunch paper, with dye and crayon rubbing designs.

Everyone was thrilled with the outcome and the Indian warriors stand proud now in the foyer at school.