Thursday, June 20, 2013

Emergency Services

Japan has a lot of emergency services and their fire trucks are always very well polished. I called into the station the other day to say hello. Two men were standing in front of a 30 metre practise tower. One of the guys climbed up the outside of the tower about 10 metres off the ground. It was quite amazing because he was only allowed to use his arms. Even on the way back down he couldn't wrap the rope though his legs. He really was the "Ninja Warrior". 

The ambulance drivers have to get through a lot of traffic at times and some drivers are not so helpful. The medic in the front with the driver talks nicely to any annoying drivers through the loud speaker. "Please get out of the way! Yes that's it pull over a little more."

Ambulance or Kyukyu-sha  = "k-you k-you sha".

Fire engine or Shoba-sha = "Show bo shar".

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